Get Into The Crinkle With ABU's Big Diaper Friday News!
This newsletter is a double diaper’s worth of crinkly news, info and ABDL happenings to keep our coolest customers up to date about the awesome goings on around ABU HQ and further afield as the team travel the world, taking diapers and age-play to new spaces, making new friends and changing the world, one diapered butt at a time!

PeekABU Caps Are Back!
Need to Peek but can’t take your pants off?! Show your babby pride in public with PeekABU Caps, the best way to let folks around you know you’re crinkling about without having to resort to desperate, pants-less measures.
Head over to ABU today and pickup your favourite peeking critter or collect all 4!
You’re Certified Cute! Grab A Shiny New Certificate With Your Order!

Potty Training Certificate
This is the 20th time you have received this certificate; sure it’s cute but at what point do you just accept the diapers forever?

Pretty Princess Certificate