The NEW ABU Lavender™ (2 tab diaper) is designed to feel creative and feminine. The ABU design team is proud to announce this modern design and believes this to be the best adult feminine designed diapers on the market to date! With many revisions and much consideration, we hope all the little girls in our community enjoy ABU Lavender™ in the coming months upon it’s release! (Release Date TBA)

The Features[dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”star” variation=”blue”]
- Feminine Design
- Single Tape (2 tab diaper)
- Tall Leakguards
- QuickAbsorb Core
- Back Waistband
- Plastic Landing Panel – Easy Adjustments
- Fade When Wet Butterflies & Swirls
- 4500ML Absorbancy (Same as SDK v2 & Cushie v2)
Sizes To Be Available[dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”star” variation=”blue”]
- MEDIUM – 28″-36″ – (waist/hip measure whichever is larger)
- LARGE – 36″-46″ – (waist/hip measure whichever is larger)
- EXTRA LARGE – 46″-52″ – (waist/hip measure whichever is larger)