Behind The Scenes of the TinyTails launch & ABUs First All-Over Bag-Wrap!
Welcome back to another Big Diaper Friday with ABU! We have an exciting article this week by Eolis, ABU’s Art & Design Director and the orchestrator of our 3 stage media release. From the physical reveal at MFF last Friday evening, to the community spread social media campaign over the weekend; finally ending with our standard email announcements to spread the love to anyone not present at MFF to experience the excitement in person.
We’ve got the in’s and out’s on all the happenings behind the scenes, from how we pulled off our surprise diaper launch, to bringing the artist of TinyTails and PeekABU to the launch in person to meet and greet with his many fans and friends around the community. We also go into all the amazing volunteers and adorable friends who helped us, and of course the little easter eggs we sprinkled along the way. So without further to do, let’s dive in!
You can check out the TinyTails product page and sign up to a waiting list to be the first to know when they’re available by Clicking Here! We’ve also got some shots to view below!

First off: What Launch? TinyTails? What’s Going On?
In case you missed the excitement, this last week we announced TinyTails! ABUs Fuzziest new diaper overflowing with balloons, rainbows and furry delights soaring through the skies!
TinyTails is ABU’s first Plastic Backed Positional Printed diaper, as well as our first All-Over Bag-Wrap! A bag designed with details and games, sure to push your little buttons when opening the closet to a rainbow burst of crinkly delight staring back at you. TinyTails also signals the return of Small! With a size range from Small to XLarge a wide range of cubs and critters alike can find their perfect fit! We also added some special features on this one. From a new plastic selected for its specific, soft texture, to a boosted core that absorbs 7,500ml; as well as our highest leak-guards ever! Little leaks don’t stand a chance with these cloudy diapers that are as absorbent as they are poofy!
Let’s Get Into That Launch!
It was my extreme pleasure to plan a sneak attack launch at MFF, one of, if not THE biggest FurCons of the year. It stretched my creative muscles in ways they have not been worked in years. It was so much fun to work with members of the BabyFur community, some I had creeped and enjoyed on social media for years, lending their character identities to ABU for a truly special release. Aito, or Nock as many know him by; had a grand scheme for the perfect Furry Diaper by ABU since he was first hired, alongside myself, 7 years ago. From cute little furry stickers, to the wildly popular PeekABU; TinyTails is the Magnum Opus of Aitos aspirations. Designed after the release of Positional Printing tech, to give the full artistic vision he wanted to bring to the BabyFur community, to life.
Aito and I….don’t get out much. To go and present this new diaper at MFF, that Aito had worked so hard on, and the bag wraps which had been a project of mine years in the making; was a truly special experience. It was once in a lifetime, and we absorbed every moment and worked to give it back 10 fold. We wanted to give a gift to the furry community that was the peak of our abilities, the best we can offer; to bring joy to your hearts.
A plan started to develop when we had our first production samples available in time for MFF. The stars had aligned in flawless perfection, the universe just placed a gleaming diamond in my hands. ABU’s first, truly, furry diaper, I mean; we went all out on this one. It’s got balloons, rainbows and a full crew of characters waiting for you to get to know! We got to release ABUs Furry themed diaper, at one of the biggest FurCons of the year, with ABUs Furry artists there in person to reveal it. AND we got to release it at the BabyFur panel, which Allie was amazingly supportive of and so helpful with allowing us to interrupt their planned panel (where would we announce it without them organizing this panel? In a hallway? Thank you so much Allie).
Once the groundwork was laid, I was ready to organize and initiate my sneaky plan. Aito gathered a group of Fursuiters known to indulge in the crinkly interests we all share, and I drummed up some handlers for what was presented as “a cute little parade of diapered Fursuits”. That was enough, everyone was excited to dress up in cute outfits, be embarrassed a bit at the BabyFur panel, and be allowed to openly wear diapers over their suits; which is just SO CUTE!
It was bigger than expected, and the response to Aito unwrapping the first ever seen bag on TinyTails on stage was such a blur that looking back on it, there were people jumping up on stage and crowding just to get a look or first photo of TinyTails. We wanted to give the attendees the joy of sharing the first ever images of our shiny new product to the world. It was exciting to let others at the panel experience and delight in the joy of sharing this themselves. Usually we do a big release campaign to mailing lists and everyone finds out at once. We got to let the community spread this product on a wave of excitement, and it was wonderful to share.
Their Outfits Are So Cute! Can We Have Them?!
The little capes and shirts were items I custom made for the launch so they are not official products, but I see no reason they can’t be! We will certainly look into making some new and exciting TinyTails items soon, so everyone can sport the crew wherever you go! I never expected such a huge response to the silly little outfits I designed so that our group of crinkly suiters could walk through the con space, waiting to get on stage and have the TinyTails they were each wearing revealed to the world (By their handlers just waiting to pants them on stage).
Did You Notice Something On Marci’s Table?

As a little easter egg for ABDL/BabyFur con-goers we made use of the ever so talented, and beautiful soul that is Marci McAdam. She is a foundational artist of the BabyFur community and we knew almost everyone would see her booth in the 2 days leading up to this event. Aito had a badge commissioned in advance of Nock, dressed up in his presentation outfit, with a partially opened gift in his hands. Marci was so kind as to not even ask questions, It was a complete secret that Nock would be there, and she agreed to simply put out the badge for pickup at her booth over the whole weekend, even if he didn’t come to get it.
Aito gets a Marci badge at every con he attends, so for this one we wanted to play a little game and see if anyone would notice this special badge sitting there. Even if it went under the radar, I love to have little extras sprinkled about, for the observant little ones to pick up on. And now Aito can enjoy his unique badge as an extra memory from this delightful event!
So, Why Did ABU Take So Long To Release A Bag Wrap?
Other ABDL Diaper companies have had all over bag wraps for years, so why was ABU stuck in the stickery past for so long? I’m going to be honest here, and as the person writing this article I can fully call myself out. It’s Eolis’ fault; It’s my fault. I am a bit of a perfectionist, which is both beneficial and detrimental to the design process. I work on many projects at a time and really needed to carve out months to design a perfect bag wrap, but instead I touched it here and there for YEARS. Finally, with TinyTails, the time to dedicate to a perfect bag wrap had arrived; and I dove into it with pent up passion to give what I thought would be the perfect style of bag wrap. Something to touch on tiny feelings and add fun to the experience of opening your diapers; alongside beauty to your collection when stored.
I loved adding every little detail, from Cloudie’s tangled balloon game to the cute custom changing icons that Aito graciously provided. On top of hitting the feels factor, I also wanted to address inconveniences that our old style bags presented. For ABUs dedicated shipping ninjas, having a barcode on the top and bottom of the bag makes scanning more efficient. For all of you, having the entire size range of the brand available on a bag, as well as the detailed breakdown of its features was essential to provide. I hope many will feel the natural desire to store one bag in their closet, or little treasure chest, to keep as a reference when needed.
And That's A Wrap!
We present, with hopeful anticipation of the official release day (late January 2024), ABU’s Newest achievement: TinyTails! Whether you’re Furry, fleshy, fishy, or otherwise; we hope you will enjoy this colorful and adorable crew of critters, presented with love from ABU’s Fuzziest team members.
Eolis – ABU’s Fluffiest Little Lemur