More diapers are headed to the ABU Vault! Grab those crinkles before they're gone!
It’s that time again, Kiddos. The Big-Babies-In-Charge at ABUniverse HQ have looked at our diaper line up and have decided that it’s time for a couple of our Crinkly Classics to head to the Diaper Vault. These hard working Padding Superheroes need to make room for our new generation of SOGG fighting super-diapers.
The following diapers will be taking a break from our line-up:
- PreSchool Plastic-Backed Edition
- ABU Space
- Cushies
- Cloth-Backed Cushies
- Kiddo By ABU
Why is ABU doing this?
When we launched our Vaulting programme almost a year ago, the plan was to create more space in our range and our warehouses. We want to deliver the best products we can possibly make to our customers all around the world. Along with great community advocates we have worked hard to champion the community in new spaces. The result of the efforts of the ABU team and others is that we are seeing a huge increase in the visibility of ABDL, a welcomeness towards age-play and more people exploring diapers, for a variety of reasons, than ever before. All of this means we need to be able to make and stock more diapers! There is a huge focus in our newer designs, AlphaGatorz and LittleKings, two products that realized desires the community had wanted for a long time and with their positional prints, landed on the nostalgia of a whole new generation of diaper loving folks. Our goal is to keep both these awesome designs in stock, on all locations, all the time.
Unfortunately, despite the rumors, we don’t have an infinitely large diaper warehouse. We want to keep more of what our customers want in stock at any one time. The best way for us to do this is to give some of our hard working champions a break!
We are also working on new designs (more on that soon, we promise!), trialing some new styles and products we have never made before at ABU and are working to expand our brand in new directions, directly responding to calls from the community for MORE!
If your favorite diaper is on the list above then you’ll need to get those grabby paws grabbing. There are varying stock levels in our different markets but when they’re gone, they’re gone… for now!
To read more about our vaulting programme, please check out our original article HERE!
Remember Vaulting Round 1?
When we first announced the ABU Diaper Vault we mentioned a selection of diapers were entering the ABU Vault. After giving everyone a chance to get their paws on the remaining stock, we are ready to move through the last few packs we have hanging out at the warehouse! From now until they are gone any remaining stock of PreSchool Cloth-Backed Edition are on sale in the ABU Outlet at 40% OFF! The last packs of Small and Extra Large are available while supplies last!